3/23/2009 08:31:00 AM

Worlds of Good Fortune

I took two days off from my P90X workouts and did cardio both those days. I've decided to do the legs and back workout before the Yoga X workout, using the yoga DVD as a stretch after a hard leg routine. It makes more sense to do it this way and saves me from taking more days off between workouts. Today I'm sore from the legs and back workout but not nearly as sore as last week. My routine today will consist of light cardio for 20 minutes or so and the Yoga X DVD.

This afternoon I have a photo shoot with Worlds of Good Fortune, modeling their beautiful Healing Silk Scarves and another photo shoot with Joel for our website http://www.livefoodenergy.com/ . Right now I'm listening to their debut 2 CD and Gallery book, Worlds of Good Fortune - Unveiling the Gifts. It's a potent synergy of ecstatic art, poetry and music that I love listening to. It's even more powerful using the Gallery book; a living, sensuous language of color and verse, fresh and enlivening to the soul.

Today I harvest some of my sauerkraut I made last week. I'll let the other batch sit for a few days more to get even softer and more sour. The first two batches of kombucha will be harvested in two days and the next batches on April 11th. I'm excited to taste the ones I made with honey.

This morning I'm enjoying some regualr Calli tea and a NuPlus and Quinary before I head to the gym.

30 minutes of cardio was intense and I loved how I felt during it. I could have gone for 45+ minutes but I know better not to do too much.

Our photo shoot got postponed until the weather gets a little warmer. Getting ready to take a hot bath to soak my sore legs.

My meals so far today: Sauerkraut, raw bread, and a little Fiesta Mac a while after I ate the first two things. My stomach is making some funny noises and movements, no pain though.

Early Dinner: Since the weather has been warming up I've been eating my last meal between 5-6pm. I feel my best when I go to sleep on an empty stomach, sleep more soundly and feel more rejuvenated when I wake up.

'Stir Fried' veggies with 1/2 avocado
Dessert: Raw Almond-Honey Fudge