3/19/2009 06:10:00 PM

Shoulders and Arms (Week 2)

So my time spent in the gym is well worth it. When I used to train I'd spent at least 1 1/2 in the gym working out. So many sets of the same excercises, gabbing with friends and just wasting precious training time, wondering where the results were. I am finding that I'm already getting great results, seeing my strength gains this week so far has proven to me that I am on the right track. It's so empowering to see hard earned results in such a short period of time.

I laugh when I think about how people cheat during their exercise routines. You know what I'm talking about, you've seen it. When you 'throw' the weights around while going through the motions, engaging every muscle you have in your body, watching the veins in your neck ready to explode.

Smoothie: 1/2 apple, a handful of kale (save the stems for soup) 1 T chia seeds, NuPlus, Quinary, water and Sunnydew

Dulse, flax crackers, avocados with sea salt

Kale Crips (CheeZy flavor)

A few fried poppers, so delicious!