3/14/2009 11:03:00 AM

In Pain, No Gain when you Over Train!

I am officially in pain today from training legs two days ago. My calves are sore but my right calve is especially tender making it difficult to walk properly. I pushed too hard the other day and over-trained my muscles so I've been taking hot baths and lightly rubbing sunbreeze oil on my skin with a soft touch to stimulate the lymph. It's helping to to alleviate some of the soreness without aggravating it more. Being in pain has brought up many emotions for me and makes me appreciate my body even more. I am being very gentle with myself, resting and nurturing as best I can. I am more careful with my intensity as I progress with this program.

I made a commitment to this program to have a life altering experience, to enjoy the journey of physical transformation and share my experiences with you, "good" and "bad". I am physically, mentally and emotionally strong and can succeed at anything I commit to!

What I ate today:

1 Mixed Berry NuPlus, 1 Quinary with water and SunnyDew

Lunch: Raw/Vegan Seafood Delight over Romaine Lettuce

Early Dinner: Buckwheat cereal with Almond Milk, 1 scoop Regular NuPlus, 1 Quinary and a little honey

Peach Fortune Delight and Cinnamon Calli Tea all day long