3/08/2009 08:35:00 PM

Plyometrics and Replenishment

Today I engaged in an intense plyometric workout consiting of squats, leaps, jumps and kicks. I love not using any equipment during a workout, just my body weight. It's amazing what the human body can endure in 1 hour.

My morning pre-workout meal: 1 Calli tea bag, steeped for 10 minutes in hot water
1 scoop Regular NuPlus, a few quirts SunnyDew and 1 packet Quinary with enough water to make a cereal. I love this 70/20/10 meal because it fills my belly and provides me with great energy.

My workout beverage: 1 liter of water, 1/3 vial Sunrise, 1/3 vial of Liqui-Five, 1/3 vial of Electrosport, 1 T Vitafruit and SunnyDew to taste. I also took some MetaBooster, Bella, Assimilaid, and Top after my morning meal.

Post Workout Shake: 1 Apple Cinnamon NuPlus, handful hemp seeds, 4 dates, 1 banana, 1 T chia seeds and water to blend.

5 Celery stalks to chew after smoothie
6pm snack: 1 cup Bliss Ice Cream...super yummy
9pm NuPlus and Quinary meal with some Fortune Delight
I feel soreness in my lats and chest and feel ready for shoulders and arms tomorrow. I'm so excited about this physical transormation.