3/14/2009 09:30:00 PM

Rough time tonight...

Two years ago Joel and I hiked up Cathedral Rock for the first time. I was ill prepared and climbed in my Croc sandals all the way up to the saddle, 3/4 the way around Cathedral Rock and down the other side toward Red Rock Crossing, then walked along the creek, hopped in a raft and crossed the creek to our house. A 5 1/2 hour journey in my Crocs resulted in two days of aches and pains. The proper shoes would have made a huge difference in how I felt afterward and not pushing as hard as I did. It felt so good to move and climb around red rocks after living a sedentary lifestyle for some time, unable to get out and play like I was. It was exhilarating!

A year and a half later: Tonight I'm feeling a little like I did the next few days after that hike. I'm sitting here with my feet elevated, ready to take a hot bath with the best bath remedies I know, sipping on some Fortune Delight, wishing I had some more SportCaps in my hand.