1/25/2010 03:14:00 PM

This Blog Has Moved....To a New Life of Love and Adventures

Click here to see how I'm doing now, almost a year later since I began this blog. Joel and I have been doing a lot of traveling, making it difficult for me to stick with this program. The overtraining eventually caught up with me in the second phase of this program. The gym became a burden and I lost interest in weight lifting and using machines to stay fit. I cancelled my gym membership, sold my P90X DVDs and focused on getting out into nature more. I've also fine tuned my eating routine; I wasn't eating enough to maintain the strenuous workouts I was doing. I have now been able to increase the concentrated foods I've been eating to make up for the nutrition my other plan wasn't providing me. Eating out in restaurants is easier and I enjoy myself so much more by making choices that fit my lifestyle. I am armed with great tools and use them to my benefit.

It's January 2010 and I have found a program I enjoy again where I use my own bodyweight. I found a fantastic program that inspires me to succeed and look forward to using them each day. Everything has changed in my life since deciding to focus on my physical transformation. I get closer and closer everyday to the strength I desire to feel within my body. Life is a fun adventure waiting to be discovered, moment by moment and I'm so grateful to experience it! Come and follow me on my blog: A Bite of Love

4/25/2009 11:20:00 AM

Phase 2 of P90X

Started phase 2 of P90X this week and I love the workouts! Chest, shoulders and triceps, plyometrics, back & biceps were completed this week so far and I've been sleeping more, taking naps and feeling stronger in my body.

What I've been eating:

Morning: Green Smoothie with NuPlus, 4 handfuls of mixed greens, apple, dates, water and chia seeds.

Afternoon: Soup with NuPlus and Zucchini Roll-ups with red bell pepper, celery, cukes, avos.

Before 7pm: Smoothie with NuPlus and Mixed Salad with a savory dressing.

4/16/2009 09:38:00 AM

Time Off

It's been a while since I posted. Many new beginings and no time to be on the computer, which is a good thing. My P90x workouts have been slowing down, not consistent everyday with pressing play because of muscle soreness. Skipping days when my body needs a rest is OK. I'm extending the 4th week (recovery phase) and plan on hitting it hard this week. I'm looking forward to weeks 5-7 as I am ready to go full-force again with this program. The recovery week is no picnic though, I'm working out just as hard as the first three weeks. My pictures will be posted as soon as I take month two shots. Off to the gym...

4/02/2009 11:49:00 AM

Raw Spirit

Getting Ready for the Raw Spirit Festival

We look forward to unveiling at the Raw Spirit Festival in Prescott Chrissy’s Fiesta Mac, a CheeZy Noodle Dish with a fresh summer green salad that is sure to please, balances all five elements & systems (Fire –endocrine, Earth –digestive, Metal –respiratory, Water –circulatory, & Wood –immune) and is well received by the most scrutinizing of children, including the little ones within us all.
For free information, classes and recipes look for us at:
www.LiveFoodEnergy.com or e-mail us info@livefoodenergy.com

4/02/2009 11:38:00 AM

Spring into Feeling Good and Hydrated!

We've been so busy consulting people over the phone and through e-mail, in person and during our workshops. People want to heal more and more as the weather gets warmer. We are driven to feel better and lighten up a bit as the seasons change and we head toward summer. I know I've been feeling the urge to eat only juicy foods, lots of water content and definitely drink more water and my concentrated teas. Living in a dry climate makes it vital to keep hydrated all the time. I'm even increasing my consumption of oils too. Many think its as easy as lathering on some lotion, but hydrating/lubricating from the inside out is the only way to be sure you are getting what you need.

When Joel and I first moved to the desert, our skin became very scaly and flaky, like a lizards back. It wasn't until a few weeks later after nourishing with oils from the inside (about 1 T of oil per 50lbs of body weight) that we noticed a difference in skin texture. The body sure knows what we need. All outward symptoms are an indicator that something needs to change on the inside.

3/27/2009 07:15:00 PM

Gluten ~ Making Me Sick!

Gluten was never a problem for me when I was on the standard American diet. I could eat food containing wheat, gluten, flour and dairy and not be affected at all. It's been years since I ate anything with gluten in it until yesterday. A friend brought over a loaf of raw rye bread that was absolutley delicious! Two slices and 18 hours later I woke up with stomach pains. I didn't make the connection with the bread until I started feeling nauseous, dizzy and just "out of it". My whole day was spent lying down, in pain and feeling awful.

Gluten is a special type of protein that is commonly found in rye, wheat and barley. Therefore, it is found in most types of cereals and in many types of bread. Not all foods from the grain family, however, contain gluten. Examples of grains that do not have gluten include wild rice, millet, amaranth, quinoa, and teff.

Experiment: The best way to know if an ingredient is making you sick, remove it from your diet for 1 month, then slowly re-introduce it and see how you feel. I did this with cashews, agave and cacao. The results: I experienced funny symptoms like nausea, heart palpitations, lack of sleep and overall discomfort so I stay clear of these ingredients whenever possible. Occasionally I'll have a little cacao, but earlier in the day and only a small piece so I can rest comfortably at night.

I won't be eating any home made raw breads made with grains, that's for sure!

3/27/2009 08:40:00 AM

Third Week of Plyometrics ~ Feeling great!

Joel and I trained with the Plyo DVD yesterday. It was his first time following the DVD with me and I was so proud of him for trying it out. It's the toughest workout in the P90X series, not for the faint of heart. Non-stop jumping, lunging and squating make for a dreadful workout for some.

I feel great today, very little soreness at all. My stomach is feeling a little uneasy this morning though.

I find that when I really push hard through workouts my body starts to kick things up and out. This is partially why I am doing this program, to sQuEeZe all the junk out of my muscles so my body can create healthy new cells with the higher nutrition I'm feeding it. I've learned that when my body is detoxing physically, it is also detoxing on an emotional level too. Lets get it all out!

This morning I'm enjoying a hot cup of Calli (mint & regular) mixed in a huge Thermos for Joel and I to share along with 1 Beauty Pearl. Today I train shoulders and arms, one of my favorite series of exercises. Abs are stilll sore from the other day so I may skip out on Ab Ripper X and just stretch them out. Really looking forward to the Recovery phase (week 4).