3/16/2009 12:29:00 PM

Kenpo ~ It's all about punching and kicking!

What a fun workout! I can see how it takes some time to learn punching techniques. It's easy to just "go through the motions" without putting much effort into it. Punching takes effort and good form without hyperextending the elbows. Joel and I really enjoyed Kenpo and look forward to the next time we practice. I took it easy with kicking my right leg around and managed to get it through the workout without re-injuring it. So far so good with pacing :) I see and feel myself getting stronger and can't wait to start round 2... but first I'm trying my best to complete the first round in these 4 weeks and still be motivated to continue. I love all the workouts so far, even Tony Horton's teaching style. Although, I would love it if he gave us more 'cues' on the set up and how to keep perfect form like, 'keep your pelvis tucked in and back straight' etc, before going into the exercise. Guess I could read the exercises booklet and learn how to do it properly without injuring myself but so far my body is remembering some of the movements from a long time ago.

What I ate today:

Calli tea, mint with sunnydew
1 packet Pina Banana NuPlus, 1 Quinary
Banana leather with cocout cream
1 liter Calli tea with 1 T VitaFruit

Huge Salad mixed greens with orange sesame tahini dressing (made with Udos oil)
1 small avocado
handful raw chips

1 scoop Nuplus, 1 Quinary with a little almond milk and Sunnydew
Shaken in a glass bottle